Frequent washing

204 products

Shop Online - Professional products for healthy and beautiful hair, ideal for frequent washing. Professionally we speak of " normal hair " when: there is no visible problem; the hair has never been treated with oxidation products; we are faced with hair without other treatments or problems. The diagnosis of “normal hair” basically means healthy, intact hair. But very often even professionals do not take into account that "normal hair" no longer exists after a certain length.

Hair changes with age and length. As a result, the hair is no longer evenly structured after a certain length. This fact is often overlooked in practice. Let's assume a normal growth of 1 cm. per month, age can be calculated e.g. of the central part or the tip of a hair. Before the hair has reached the length of 15 cm. it will already have been exposed to enormous stresses. Starting with environmental influences, washing at regular intervals with subsequent drying with rubbing, ending with the daily action of the comb (combing, brushing, drying and styling with a hair dryer). At this point, more than half of the overlapping layers present at the hairline no longer exist at the tips of the same hair.

Therefore it must be kept in mind that a hair defined as "normal" actually has different structures from the attachment to the tips. Here too different problems can arise from case to case. The treatment of "normal hair" is therefore not a "luxury" at all.

It is therefore necessary to take care of it with the right products as you do with dry or oily hair. Even normal hair gets dirty and loses its brilliance and shine just like other hair, especially those who live in the city: pollution, stress and bad habits make it greasy and heavy. You need to focus on a frequent washing shampoo that can keep them fresh and clean for longer without damaging them and thus decreasing the frequency of washing.

It's not true that normal hair doesn't need conditioner, in fact even healthy hair needs to be nourished. A good conditioner e.g. with clay, it is perfect for nourishing normal hair because it does not weigh it down and revitalizes the fibre. Then use the right conditioner, depending on whether it is wavy hair , curly hair , blonde hair , long hair , for light and disciplined hair from roots to ends.

Choose the right products to keep having normal, healthy, light, fresh, hydrated and shiny hair.

Normal hair

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