Professional hair clippers
184 products
184 products
professional hairdressers - Buy safely the best professional hair razors, electric beard trimmers, used by the best hairdressers and barbers, the best brands!
What machines do hairdressers use? the most used brands are Panasonic, Andis (American) Wahl, Moser BabylissPro
How much does a hair clipper cost? the costs depend on the model but a good product cannot cost less than 60 euros
What is the best professional hair clipper? To be effective, they must be treated in every detail, starting from the material which must not only be resistant but also capable of not creating problems when cutting. Another element to evaluate are the blades and the cut. A good product must have stainless steel and ceramic blades. The width of a blade is very important, ranging from (40 mm to 45 mm), therefore it is also necessary to understand what is the cutting range you are looking for. The combs that exist are also important, which will decide the length of the cut, usually they do not exceed 25 mm in length, but there are also those that can cut up to a length of 41 mm. Each shave has a specific blade, so before buying the product it is good to consider all these factors.
Do you also want a professional beard trimmer ? Then you need to make sure that it also has this function.
The professional hair machine also has different characteristics based on the type of brand.
Which razor to buy? Panasonic is characterized by a solid design and by its speed and precision. Babyliss Pro, Wahl, Andis and Moser have a wide range to meet the needs of the customers. It is very advanced in the men's beauty sector, many devices are suitable for hair and beard trimming and it also has a razor that removes the small hairs of the nose, face and ears.