La Biosthetique Anti Age Elixir Anti Grey 95ml

La Biosthetique Anti Age Elixir Anti Grey 95ml
Lozione colorante per i capelli grigi. Lozione per la cute, attiva a livello cellulare contro la depigmentazione. Senza risciacquo. Studiata per coloro che non vogliono ricordarsi del tempo che passa ad ogni ricrescita dei capelli. Riattiva la naturale pigmentazione del capello dalla radice, senza l'impiego di pigmenti colorati artificiali. Protegge il capello da ulteriori future perdite di pigmento. Rivitalizza il capello, gli restituisce una forza sana e la lucentezza della giovinezza.
- Significativa riduzione dei capelli bianchi con l’uso regolare
- Il capello riceve e mantiene la bellezza della giovinezza e del proprio colore naturale
- Senza pigmenti colorati artificiali
- Il 97% degli ingredienti è di origine naturale
- Con un principio attivo clinicamente testato e brevettato (peptide biomimetico)
Indicato per
La comparsa dei primi capelli grigi.
Modo d’uso:
- Agitare bene prima dell'uso. Utilizzo quotidiano.
- Distribuire il contenuto di 1-2 pipette (almeno 3ml) sul cuoio capelluto dopo lo shampoo o anche senza essersi lavati i capelli. Massaggiare leggermente.
- Senza risciacquo! Ideale se lasciato agire durante la notte!
- Usare tutti i giorni per i primi 3 mesi.
- L'utilizzo regolare garantisce il risultato.
Ingredienti chiave:
- Peptide biomimetico: clinicamente testato agisce da booster della pigmentazione.
- Un estratto vegetale della Senna Alata: agisce contro il processo d'invecchiamento all'interno della papilla del capello, impedisce la formazione di perossido di idrogeno e ostacola, quindi, la perdita di pigmento.
Un rinforzante minerale della pietra malachite: dai poteri benefici, nutre la papilla del capello, e quindi il capello stesso, donando loro importanti oligoelementi.
Cash on delivery: cash on delivery, the courier does not accept bank cheques, additional €3 for cash on delivery.
Bank transfer : we accept payment by bank transfer, following the order and preparation you will receive the data necessary for the bank transfer, the order will be processed with credit in an average of 1/2 working days.
Paypal : the credit card payment process is managed by Pay Pal, the payment method is protected and secure, the credit card data does not pass through our site but is managed directly by the Pay Pal service, once the procedure has been completed you will be redirected to the site
Credit card : the payment method is protected and secure, the credit card data does not pass through our site but is managed directly by the manager (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Poste Pay etc..).
Klarna: buy now and pay in 3 installments at no additional cost, click here for more information
Satispay: with Satispay you can transfer money to your contacts and pay in shops with the same simplicity and immediacy as a message on WhatsApp
Afterpay : buy now and pay in 3 installments at no additional cost
Shipping costs by courier start from €3 (Brt Point) to €3.99, over €49 spent on products are free;
You can choose the BRT or TNT courier (does not include cash on delivery) and use a BRT Fermopoint
Courier Fulfillment Guaranteed today - NO DELIVERY (inserted by 3pm - excluding holidays): shipping of the order guaranteed on the day of the order additional cost is €2.90.
HOW LONG DOES DELIVERY TAKE? ( Delays may occur around holidays, strikes, Black Friday and extraordinary events, the times below are not guaranteed).
Italy : the order will be shipped within 24 hours with Express Courier, delivery times depend on the location, on average 24/48 hours (excluding Islands and Small Locations which may require additional times);
Abroad : times depend on the location, on average 5 working days.
HOW CAN I KNOW WHEN IT WILL BE SHIPPED? You will receive a shipping confirmation email, you can check the status of the order from your account. In the event of non-delivery, it may be advisable to check with the neighbours, the courier may have left it with them, it will be necessary to contact the courier or send us an email to arrange a new delivery.
CAN I RECEIVE THE PRODUCTS AT AN ADDRESS DIFFERENT THAN THE BILLING ADDRESS? Yes, during the purchase process you can indicate a different recipient.
PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS: the best professional brands selected by us Haircare & Skincare;
FREE SAMPLES offered (subject to availability);
PRICES : the best prices, discounts and continuous offers;
FREE SHIPPING : for orders over €39 (cash on delivery with an additional cost +€2.90);
RETURN : extended up to 14 days;
GIFTS : you can receive gifts on the purchase of products on offer;
SECURE PAYMENTS : Pay Pal, Google Pay, Cash on Delivery, Bank Transfer, Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PostePay etc..), klarna payment in 3 interest-free installments;
ORIGINAL PRODUCTS : the products come directly from the respective manufacturers with relative guarantee;
CUSTOMER SUPPORT : by email, chat or message;
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